Getting to Know Dianne
Dianne is a "Montage" of many experiences, abilities and roles:
Wife of Dr. Glenn T. Collard for 58 years; mother of 3 children; grandmother of 5 granddaughters and one grandson-in-law; and one beautiful great-granddaughter!
Missionary & Intercultural Trainer since 1986
International speaker and writer
Author of "I Choose to Forgive: An Intimate Journey with God, Expanded Edition”
Creative Catalyst with a calling to encourage artists and the arts & faith movement
Spiritual mentor of artists
Educational Background
B.A. in Speech/Communication (emphasis in Cross-Cultural Communication))
M.A. in Intercultural Studies (emphasis Adult Experiential Education)
D.Miss in Missiology (Theology/Anthropology/Church History)
Personal Mission statement
To live my life in worship of God and be a messenger of His hope through speaking, writing and encouraging for the purpose of contributing to the development of people and the celebration of the Kingdom of God.
The banner is a portion of one of my favorite paintings by Makoto Fujimura, called "The Tears of God". To see more of his artwork, check out his website.
Dianne sharing a short explanation of her calling as a Creative Catalyst for the Fall, 2015 orientation at Gordon-Conwell Seminary in Charlotte, NC
An Interview/Podcast on “The Thriving Christian Artist,” done by with Matt Tommey. Listen here.
Podcast interview with Lara Pilcher of Art House International. Listen here.