The Authors
Dianne and Glenn Collard
Dianne Collard and her husband, Glenn, have served as missionaries for thirty-seven years and in vocational Christian ministry throughout their fifty-eight years of marriage. As an intercultural trainer, she has worked with hundreds of missionaries serving around the world. Dianne is the Catalyst of Meraki Connection and serves as the Europe Ministries director for Artists in Christian Testimony International. She has an active speaking ministry in North America and Europe. In addition, she was the Founder/Director of ArtsCharlotte. Her local ministry is now called Meraki*Connection.
Dianne and Glenn have three children, five granddaughters and one great-granddaughter. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech/Communications from San Francisco State University, a Master of Arts degree in Intercultural Studies and a Doctor of Missiology degree from Biola University, La Mirada, Calif. Dianne resides in North Carolina.
Glenn Collard is the Founder/Director of Coram Deo International. He received a Bachelor of Science in Music at Corban University, a Masters of Education from Azuza Pacific University and Ph.D. in Christian Education from the California Graduate School of Theology.
Glenn loves God, his family, baseball and chocolate. In that order.
Wendy Skenderi
Wendy is the daughter of Glenn and Dianne. She has her B.A. from the University of the Pacific and a Masters in Counseling from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. She served as the Director of Carmel Counseling Center and is the Minister of Care and Counseling at Carmel Baptist Church. She leads a very significant ministry role in Albania. She has two adult daughters, a son-in-law and a wonderful husband and one granddaughter.