Arts+Europe is a relational network of arts leaders who together envision a vibrant cultural and spiritual renaissance across the European continent, ignited by a recovery of the arts and the imagination.
The Arts+Europe Round Table comprises a group of visionary arts advocates and leaders who collaborate in order to catalyze forward progress in the arts landscape across Europe. Formed as an outcome of the 2009 European Arts Summit held in Schloss Mittersill, the European Round Table focuses on the spheres of the Church, Mission, Education and the Marketplace, and is informed by a Christian/Biblical worldview, and carried out for the glory of God. Church arts' education, spiritual mentoring of artists, and cultural restoration are core mission values.
Dianne has served on the leadership team for the continent of Europe since 2010.
Click here for my information on Arts+Europe.
Arts+Europe Round Table & guests in Rotterdam, November, 2015