*To do something with soul, creativity, or life; to leave a piece and essence of yourself in your work.”
Meraki Connection is an endeavor of dianne collard which exists to nurture the souls of the artists in the Charlotte Area.
Meraki Connection includes:
One-on-one meetings with artists
Casual gatherings of artists encouraging them to share their current work and discuss their efforts to express their faith through their creativity.
“Coffee & Conversation” gatherings in local coffee shops to discuss the nexus of art and faith.
Book/Bible studies on God’s view of the arts; the artists’ role in the Kingdom of God; and how to be “missional” through their creative gifts.
Creation of a network of Church Arts Creative Catalysts for encouragement, sharing of ideas and resources.
Seminars on forgiveness.
The Spring 2024 Book Groups will be studying “Naming the Animals: An Invitation to Creativity” by Stephen Roach. There will be one in-person group on Wednesday a.m.; an on-line group on Tuesday afternoon, and another on Wednesday evening. Contact me to register before January 31, 2024.
Meraki Connection embraces ALL artists, wherever they may be on their journey of faith.
Banner painting, Shout for Joy, is by Charlotte artist, Marcy Gregg
The Backstory of Meraki*Connection
I received a clear call from God in December of 1992 to “find and encourage artists.” My life’s direction and purpose was immediately changed and I have been seeking to live out this call since that day. This is the motivation for “nurturing the souls of the artists.”
I thought I would give some quotes from highly recommended books that illustrate the need and value of what Meraki*Connection seeks to do.
“I dream of the day when the church will stop alienating artists and start nurturing artists and give them a safe place to grow and become the people God wants us to be. I wish we were more sensitive to the needs of artists. And I wish all artists loved the church and were growing in godly character and integrity,” Rory Noland The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide for You and Your Ministry Team.”
“It’s only when our thoughts and our behavior are brought in line with God’s will that we can fulfill T.S. Eliot’s hope of an art that is ‘unconsciously Christian.’ If we care little about Christian obedience and then endeavor to create art that reflects a Christian perspective when we have lot our integrity.” Steve Turner Imagine: a vision for christians in the arts.
“Arts ministry accomplishes this as it uses art to glorify God, identify with the sufferings of God’s people, and exhibit the real condition of God’s world. In the process, arts ministry also works on the artist to engender growth and renewed commitment to core Christian values,” Michael J. Bauer “Arts Ministry: Nurturing the Creative Life of God’s People.
“In spiritual terms, we need to respond in faith and take hold of the grace we ar so freely given. This might include taking advantage of spiritual directors—personal trainers for the soul—or embracing some regimen of spiritual exercises and practical disciplines to build spiritual and moral muscles and bring order to our souls.” “It is time for followers of Christ to let Christ be the noun in our lives, to let our whole being ooze out like a painter’s colors with the splendor and the mystery of Christ, the inexhaustible beauty that draws people in. It is time to follow the Spirit into the margins and outside the doors of the church.” Makoto Fujimura Culture Care.